日本: 慰安婦のペテン

January 13, 2015
日本: 慰安婦のペテン
Japan: The Comfort Women Scam
The more that I and others investigate this, the more obvious that this so-called sex-slave issue is nothing more than a big scam. 
The first goals of the scam are to extort money from Japan, and to foment hatred against Japan. The next goal is to split off Japan from allies like the United States (and this issue is causing friction). The ultimate goal is to keep Japan as weak as possible so that PRC can dominate areas such as the South China Sea.
I just returned from a preliminary trip in Philippines, researching this issue. We all know the comfort women were and are real. South Korea loves its comfort women, as do many other countries. There has never been a question that they existed and exist. The question is whether they were kidnapped en masse. They were not. Most were obviously prostitutes. At least that is what our research is revealing so far, and that is a significant amount of work in various countries.
After gathering significant information and contacts on the first research trip to the Philippines, I will analyze what we gathered, and make a plan for the bigger research coming next in the Philippines. I shall return. And soon.